That sounds simple enough. Or does it? Why does it take courage and boldness to lead? Is not the fact that you have been entrusted with the position of leadership sufficient endorsement of your capabilities and rights?
We have all seen, heard of, maybe experienced, the leader who appears to be full of confidence, making bold statements and emphatically making known his decisions about, say, taking on a new project with a new client. The leader does not say it, but it is obvious to many present who actually know what is happening that the company should not even be transacting any business with this particular new client. The new client is known to have changed the rules halfway during a project, demanding that more work and resources be poured in due to “changed circumstances” or similar excuse. In one or two cases, firms working on projects with this new client have sustained losses because of this propensity for “scope creep”. Unfortunately, your Fearless Leader seems to be oblivious to this fact and his bold demeanour has a hollow ring to it. I certainly hope that doesn’t describe you! That’s not an example of making bold decisions and daring to lead. So what is a good illustration of Daring To Lead?
All leaders have two basic functions besides inspiring our followers. One is to always be watchful for opportunities that are popping up over the horizon, coupled with keeping tabs on the near and intermediate zones for other developments that the company can add value to. The second is always to ensure that our own business is being run just like a taut ship. We do not operate in these two areas by ourselves, generally speaking. We will always have other capable leaders to help out. However, it is still our responsibility to ensure that we maintain intimate sensing of all the information pouring in through our “sensors”, meaning those to whom we have entrusted this responsibility.
That is a vital component leading to us as leaders genuinely daring to lead. After all, we develop and maintain our muscular strength, taste buds, sense of smell, hearing and visual acuity, and so on. Are we doing the same in developing those leaders whom we charge with helping us? If we do, then we are already well established to Dare To Lead.
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