I was introduced to the work of Dr Nicholas Eberstadt in Sep 2022, via Peter Robinson’s “Uncommon Knowledge.” Dr Nicholas Eberstadt is a political economist and holds the Henry Wendt chair in political economy at the American Enterprise Institute. I found the conversation on “Uncommon Knowledge” very insightful and have watched quite a few other videos of Dr Eberstadt having conversations about demographics worldwide with show hosts and also delivering talks or lectures. I am embedding here three of those videos, from “Uncomon Knowledge”, the Hon John Anderson’s show on YouTube and one from the “Goodfellows” series. I enjoy the conversations on all three shows immensely, and I hope you will take the time to view all three videos and more.
Immediate takeaways from these conversations include:
Pro 14:28 In the multitude of people is the king’s honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.
If you have been given the privilege of leading many other people besides yourself, then you are also responsible for the well-being, the flourishing, the growth, of those people. The more people you have the charge of, the greater the honour you receive. If the numbers of your people dwindle for whatsoever reason, then the reason you have been raised to leadership disappears.
Gen 14:21 And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.
Two sets of kings, four against five, decided to have a conference to decide who should be top dog. In the process, they captured Abram’s nephew Lot. Abram mustered all the trained men of his household, a multitude of 318, and routed the four victorious kings, taking back Lot and all of Lot’s goods. Notice what the king of Sodom said to Abram. The king of Sodom, who was one of the losers, wanted to have his people back, but gave all the goods to Abram, which of course Abram refused. This is noteworthy because we see that even those who practise homosexuality and are therefore not reproducing by definition, recognize that positive demographics is essential if one is to maintain one’s nation and lifestyle.
How is having as many children as possible a good thing personally and for one’s nation at large?
- It imparts a multi-generational worldview. This is important if we want to remain committed to leaving our descendants a legacy in which they can flourish and likewise reproduce.
- It strengthens us to take up our responsibilities in running a strong, stable and productive economy so that our descendants can have the resources, including their basic education, to prosper and invite other nations to prosper with us and them.
- It imparts values and practical life skills when children grow up learning how to relate to one another with charity, work with the stronger for more valuable output and carry the weaker until the weaker are able to stand and thrive on their own.
- It forges the quality of daring initiative, the ability and willingness to do what is right and appropriate without waiting for instructions or permission from higher authorities. The undergirding truth to this is that the goals and intentions of those same higher authorities are already well known.
- It reduces the Thucydidean tendency for rising and decaying nations to war with each other.
Do you have other thoughts? How would YOU begin to encourage reproduction in your nation? Can you do similar things in your company, organization, community or even your own small business? What about encouraging reproduction in your customers? Contact me if you would like to have a short conversation or tutorial if that is where you would like to see progress. You’re welcome!
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