Each session is for one hour and will be conducted via Zoom or similar communication app. If you would like to have an in-person session, contact me and we will arrange for the session separately.
You choose what you would like practice in Reading Aloud. You need to let me know what it is you want to have practice Reading Aloud in, and both you and I must agree that we are fine with the content and will go ahead. If you don’t have content, let me know what you would like practice with and I will suggest some passage for you to read.
You will read first and I will give you feedback. I might then read the same passage back to you. Then you will tell me what you understand the passage is saying. I will give you more feedback and, if there is time, you will read the passage again, I give more feedback for refinement and so forth until the hour is up, upon which the session will end. If we are on Zoom, I will enable you to download the session for your own reference. I will also download the session for records.
For Read Aloud with Grampa, each session will be for sixty Singapore dollars (SGD $60). The session will start after payment has been received. If you are not using Singaporean payment methods such as PayNow or similar, do contact me and we will explore other ways of doing so.
Cell/ Whatsapp: (65) 97119005