“Lost Horizon” is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton. It is best remembered as the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery high in the mountains of Tibet. I have not read the book and I have not seen the film, but I have remembered the title since I was very young.
How does a horizon get lost? Obviously, when optics is not in operation. When would optics not be in operation?
- When physical sight is lost.
- When there is absolute darkness.
- When there is excessive glare for the human eye, as during a blizzard or if immediate terrain reflects too much sunlight for the human eye to handle.
Not too long ago, before onboard instruments became de rigeur, a pilot who happened to be in a “Lost Horizon” situation could very well be expected to crash, because he would have had no way of knowing whether his aircraft were ascending, descending, or flying horizontally. Today, of course, aircraft fly through pitch darkness or even blinding rain or snow, provided the crosswinds are not too strong, with the greatest degree of safety because of onboard instruments, and most, if not all, pilots are required to be IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) qualified.
Do you sometimes feel that your business has encountered a “Lost Horizon” situation? What did you do about it? If you have not encountered such a situation, what onboard instruments do you have to ensure that your business flies around with the highest degrees of safety and profitability? Share your experiences with us!
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