I am fed up with people selling fantasies to everyone on their contact list. Exasperated by declarations of “It Will Be Great!” with no definite, organic steps in the right direction. Signs like “You Should Be Here!” make me shake my head at the foolishness of exploiting others. I’ve never read that classic called “The Power of Positive Thinking” although many people have sworn by it and some have tried to force me to do so. In one sense, I am actually starting to abhor anyone who so much as mouths “positive thinking” at me. Perhaps I’ve seen too many Fissiparous Fantasies. Demolished Dreams. The worst thing is to see what appear to be sane, intelligent and reasonable bodies crushed by the Demolition Team preaching sermons about using others for one’s own selfish gain thinly-veiled as “helping many others grow their businesses.” It’s disgusting.
People say that they are fed-up with MLM businesses. Tell me, then, why do I still encounter so many in MLM ventures? People say, don’t look at the people in them, look at the business model. Look at the health benefits. Look at the savings you get because no storage costs are involved. Hey, stop insulting me, my brain is just as good as yours. In fact, it’s better; I actually get to use it. I’ve got no problems with most of the business models as they are. I am infuriated by the way otherwise reasonably smart and sane beings turn those same business models into mindless religions. Without realizing that the High Priests of those religions, the ones most adept at adopting the techniques of a well-known character called Wormtongue, are the ones who profit the most. Have you ever been approached with a “first-mover advantage” proposition? That’s one of the things I’m talking about. I’m not interested in “first-mover” advantages. I’m interested in moving when it is ripe for maximized value to all my stakeholders! Give me a High-Five if you agree as well!
Have nothing to do with the MLM mindset. Save those you can. Join me in Boosting Better Businesses. Seek to raise value all round, as far as you can go. Seek to BE a business person of great value to others. Real value. Genuine value. Not fantasies. It’s just one reason why YOU should be HERE!
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