When the ball of continuously-dividing human cells called a blastocyst starts to form our alimentary canal or digestive system, the anus is first formed, then the mouth. We do not know at this time why this is so. I have often heard anecdotally that one of the signs of impending death is when people state that when eating, they experience “Entry but no exit.” That means that they can eat but are not able to have normal bowel movement. Perhaps there’s a connection somewhere. Perhaps when the body moves toward rigor mortis bowel movement shuts down first even as a person is able to continue swallowing.
With that cheerful introduction, we need to encourage ourselves and our colleagues to live a mobile life. Whether you call that being a road warrior or a digital nomad is immaterial. I am talking about having a mobile mindset. I am talking about about how Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones made maximal and optimal use of the very limited space he had when he first started out as a musician and entertainer. He adapted moves within that very small space which later helped to propel him to fame. I am no fan of rock music, but what he did with the little he had is noteworthy. Mobile doesn’t mean having the luxury of a full continent flowing with milk and honey at your disposal. It means living on a small granite rock and turning it into a place where milk and honey are channeled to flow in. Engage in some mastication on that for a while.
The way Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, works in producing Ribonucleic acid, RNA, is a marvelous example of how being mobile is essential to life. DNA does not change but it needs to be repaired. There are approximately a million breaks, or what are collectively known as lesions, in the DNA strands per cell per day. If the intricate repair mechanisms in DNA were absent, life would simply stop. Even more marvelous, to me, is how the DNA needs to be UNFOLDED, cut, relevant strands, which strands might be on different segments of the DNA, joined together and then the needed RNAs produced. After all that, the DNA needs to be re-cut, re-joined correctly and re-folded back correctly, whether in original three dimensional conformation or otherwise. Now, I am not a scientist and it will probably take me years more before I can fully wrap my head around all the intricate details of the mechanism of life. What I share here is how even my limited understanding of the workings of DNA and RNA demonstrate to me how important mobility is to life, and how we should therefore have a positive tropism towards such a state of being. I think I’ve shared one of Dr Robert Carter’s videos on this. I embed the video here. Do watch it and tell me what comes to you also!
As I have been driving people around these least seven years or so, I have been constantly reminded about how important the “Transport” aspect of Supply Chain really is. No Transport, no Supply Chain. No Supply Chain, no Life. Now, your Supply Chain does not have to be the rest of the world. Five acres is actually quite plenty for a small farm you can live off. You don’t need complicated global supply chains. You just need five, maybe six acres, and the ability and willingness to coax the life that naturally comes out of it. That’s the theme of that old Jackie Chan movie “Little Big Soldier.” The trailer is attached. You can read the subtitles if you don’t know Mandarin.
Being able to carry your own office around with you and being able to operate out of a serviced or shared space, a coffeeshop or the cafe at the National Library is a manifestation of living with a mobile mindset as well. People report all kinds of pitfalls, loneliness, etc, with working in such a manner, but the benefits of the ABILITY to do so because you have the MINDSET to live so gives you tremendous advantage by making you flexible and always available. Not available in the sense of being a 24-hour slave but being an oracle clients can count on for appropriately timed responses because the clients have been trained correctly.
It has been said that “Sitting is the new smoking.” Would you like to be able to quit smoking? Come talk to me. You’re welcome!
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