I have decided to go with manual signups and manual maintenance of payment and membership records until I find a good system which I can trust to do that for me. As such, memberships are still available for a dollar a day, billed monthly. Contact me if you would like to join me and start producing value goods and services with what you already have! Other details as stated below, no change.
Cell: +6597119005 (Singapore)
Email: [email protected]
Past “Elijah’s Expressions” videos can be found on YouTube here.
Why become a member?
Being a member here gives you the ability to USE the great content you already have within yourself or within your company or organization. There’s a lot of great content available at the click of a button. Many free courses are available and you should continue to avail yourself of them. Joining as a member here gives you access to discussions on business, leadership or other personal topics of interest to you. It gives you access to accountability partners who will both hold your hand and kick your butt as NEEDED.
Be Reminded – you are not here just so that you can access Premium Content, much of which is Private & Confidential. You are here to create Premium Outcomes which are Practically Operational.
As always, I aim to have you on board in order to make you “Greater Than Myself.” So what can you expect, and how will you grow value together? Besides retaining access to posts, articles and the like already available on my site, these will be available to members:
This area is for subscribers only. It aims to provide a highly focused online community where members are dedicated to improving themselves, improving their businesses, improving each other’s businesses and helping improve business communities around the globe. Offline engagements are envisaged and definitely encouraged. The main aim of this community, however, is to have people from around the globe contribute insights, share resources and build sustainable, profitable businesses wherever their aspirations take them. Interactions here will revolve around the basic frameworks of Leadership and Building Better Businesses based on the three “Whatsions.”
Leadership does not start at the top. Neither does it start in the middle. It simply starts with ME. If you are at the stage of building the leadership qualities and competencies of yourself, your team, this is for you. Perhaps you might even be looking at helping build the leadership qualities and competencies of your suppliers and customers. Is that a new thought? Yes or no, this is for you.
The Three “Whatsions”
It is relatively easy to formulate and implement strategy. It is also relatively easy to engage with and inspire staff and/ or other business associates to be their best. What is not so easy is tackling these three questions which we will call the “Whatsions”:
What? As in “What’s the situation? What’s happening?”
So what? As in “What are the implications, what does this mean?”
Now what? As in “What is the best course of action,what do we do now?”
It’s been said that leadership, particularly in business, is a lonely business. Not any more!
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