Do you know what a plow pan is? It’s when you plough the land crop after crop, season after season. A hardened layer of earth soon forms below the deepest point where your plow plows. If this is not broken up periodically using deep rakes, the plow pan prevents water from going through into the soil and prevents deeper groundwater coming up. Unhealthy plants are the result.
I sometimes introduce myself at networking meetings by asking “How many of you have bad habits that you would like to break?” To the sea of hands, I would then say “That’s great! I have news for you – that’s NOT what I do. What I do is help you to form good habits to override the bad ones.” For networking meetings, I stop there. By now, you know that it’s not the end of the story! Yes, it is easier for us to develop new habits and try to stay positive. The corollary is to go elsewhere, find a new piece of land, dig the rocks out, plow that new piece of land and grow a new set of crops! It takes a lot of effort to put in the deep rakes and break up the fallow, hard ground of the plow pans created by the bad habits we have, so to speak. But break them up we must. This is because we need to use our resources responsibly, not because we have a fear that resources are finite. Besides, even if we move on to a new piece of ground, plow pans will develop there in no time, too! What do we do then, keep moving? Perhaps we then need to move back to the old piece of ground, dig deep, renew the soil, and plant again.
Will you do that?
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