Seems like an inexhaustible number, right? Wrong. Seven billion is finite. Seven billion can still be counted. I’m talking about our collective insatiable need to “Get this cheaper somewhere else. Never pay full price again.” Someone, somewhere, will always be selling it more cheaply, and we will never run out of sources of cheap goods and services that are still somehow reasonably good. Wrong again. What an example of puerile red ocean thinking! Instead of reciprocating increasing value, creating more pie, we scheme to steal more pie from others who do not have enough themselves!
It starts with you. It starts with you having a generous mindset of abundance. It starts with you being willing to pay for value, not try to squeeze the last bargainous drop of blood from people helplessly in the grip of having to slave just to earn a decent living. It starts with you being responsible in managing resources. It starts with you increasing value to whatever you put your hand and mind to.
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