When You Fire Your Boss, You Fire Yourself!

You are firedHave you ever been encouraged to “fire your Boss”? Have you thought about “firing your Boss” yourself? I wrote a little bit about this in “Wish You Could Fire Your Boss? Why? So You Can Take Over?” a while back, and I’d like to expand on this a little more.

Think of all the reasons for firing your Boss, both what goes on through your mind and what the rest of the madding crowd of “gurus” are actually telling you. How many of them are really sound?  How many of those reasons are based on resentment? How many of those reasons are because you felt that you have been unfairly treated or gone unrecognized? How many because you felt that your work environment is toxic and your Boss isn’t going to make it better? How many because you think you can do a better job? How many because you think you deserve better?

If you leave for any of those reasons, you will carry that same attitude of resentment, angst and feelings of unfairness into your next job, whether your next job is with another company or whether you decide to strike out on your own! Do you think it will help you? Think a little. Before you actually “fire your Boss”, consider these.

1.     Are you providing great value but not being equitably compensated?

Well, have you negotiated for a package that more accurately reflects your value? Have you been offered stock options, for example? If you haven’t negotiated, perhaps it’s time to reflect upon whether you are really delivering great value, because if you really think you deliver great value, you would have negotiated for what you’re worth. Do not let excuses of being “not nice”, or of being an “introvert” stop you. In fact, introverts are actually much better at this than extroverts! (I use the terms loosely. If you have issues, contact me.) If, in all sincerity, you have actually negotiated for a better deal, including studying the matter from the Boss’ point of view, and concluded that you are really not being paid what you’re worth, then it may be time to move on elsewhere.

Eye miss ewe2.     Are there many in the company who will miss you?

This has nothing to do with sentimentality. It is a gauge of how people who have been around you feel about how worthy a co-worker you have been. If no one would miss you, it might be better to hang around and discover why, and how you can improve yourself before writing that note and packing your stuff. If your co-workers don’t miss you, what makes you think your future co-workers, customers or clients will want to do business with you?

3.     Have you grown to such an extent that your Boss cannot reasonably keep you any longer?

This is usually the best reason to leave the company, to “fire the Boss”, since you are likely to leave with your Boss’ blessings instead of a pithy “Good riddance!” Indeed, your Boss might even encourage and help you to set up your own company, as he knows that you would be a valuable business partner, and that your business might even produce spin-off business for him down the road!

Are your reasons for “firing your Boss” peppered with hurtful resentment, or are they based on future growth potential for both parties, or at least for yourself, if your Boss is really not worth working for anymore? Choose your actions wisely!

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