We are constantly bombarded by messages of all genres promising us success if we would change our thinking, take massive positive action, sign up for some talk or course, do things like rappel down the side of our office building, walk over hot coals, faithfully and diligently take our supplements, perform our exercises with great zeal, ad infinitum. Images of personal well-being, financial independence, enhanced sagacity, inspired spirituality and perhaps many more, draw us in with huge forces of attraction like tractor beams. Promises of success. Glowing testimony given by demigods with flawless complexion and washboard abs. Huge bank accounts and fan bases to die for. Utopia. Nirvana. Valhalla. Happy Hunting Ground. So many of you must be really enjoying life. Right? How many?
Not many raised their hands, I trow. How come? Aren’t all those things the embodiment, the quintessential expression, of what you really, really want? No? Then what DO you want? Go ahead, write them down right now! My guess is that it’s really quite simple and well within your reach. A matter of decision and daily discipline. Not external discipline. Internal.
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